Just recently Vicky (29), Kat (28), Ellie (31) and myself (Linda, 30) decided to get together to get fit and start a new adventure. We have just recently made a pact that we will all get fit -through an adventure race in mountain biking and walking... and raise money for a charity close to each one of our hearts. Each one of us know people very close to us who have been affected by cancer and think Maggie's centres provide an amazing service. We are all teachers and have therefore called ourselves 'The little Misses'. The challenge is Monster Bike and Hike for 'Maggie's' cancer charity in May. This involves a 30mile mountain bike run and then a 22 mile walk straight on top to raise money for these cancer support centres. We are all desperate to get fit, get outside again, do something worthwhile and meaningful to all of us, have a giggle and an adventure.
We are all kind of outdoorsy and each one of us have our own strengths (none of which are mountain biking!). I have done a wee bit of mountain biking on the odd occassion over the past years but need to build on cardio and strength but I haved dabbled in almost every outdoor sport in the past and become an expert in being a generalist but not an expert in anything ...if you know what I mean!
Vicky is my best friend from Uni, who has will power of steel and strength but wants to stop smoking and wants a fitness focus. She's like Zena Princess warrier- gorgeous, strong willed and tough. She's competitive as hell and whether she's knackered or not will just keep going! Ellie and kat are friends I met last year when we all went to Uganda to work with Head teachers in schools in Masindi district to help with school development. It was an incredible experience where we worked in a designated school with the head teacher and also tracked chimps, trekked to Murchison falls, drank the local gin from pouches 'waragi' and got on like a house on fire. We were all keen to make an impact and help provide sustainable ideas and support to continue to improve the education system out there. Kat is the blond, quiet, pretty one with grit and determination behind her quiet demenour. Kat dabbles in running and was a member of 'military training' last year where she did press ups in Glasgow parks in the middle of winter, face down in puddles... but still managed to maintain a stylish edge and pretty hair- bizarre!
Ellie is the leader of the pack- she swims (which she doesn't even really consider as excercise!), goes to the gym fairly regularly and is Miss motivator. She has dedication, will power, direction and get up and go!
This is a big challenge for all of us but with your support, we are all confident that we can conquer the challenge! Please help by sponsoring us. We appreciate any donation that you can manage.
Thanks on behalf of all of us